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2022 Year-In-Review

A Christmas tree character in the center of 5 people wearing elf hats. All of them are in front of a 12' tall Christmas tree.
Holiday Sing-Along 2022

As I look back to this past year, I can’t help but smile thinking about the joy on everyone’s faces as we returned to having in-person events and celebrations. The Spring Fair, Prom, Graduation, Halloween, and the Holiday Sing-Along all felt more joyous and fun. We all realized how much we missed being able to play, honor and celebrate together as a community.

School billboard decorated for Halloween with bats and kids in costumes.
Halloween school billboard

Spring Fair 2022

"Alice In Wonderland" Prom 2022

It was also a year of accomplishments and milestones for Beacon Day School. Most recently BDS successfully completed its California Department ofEducation review. This onsite holistic audit of all our programs is strong validation that BDS’ approach to integrated educational care is delivering for our students and families.

Another major accomplishment for 2022 was completing the paperwork to begin renovations for our new Inland Empire campus. We can’t announce an opening date yet, but we expect to welcome students in Riverside in 2023.

While this year was filled with joy and accomplishments it also came with challenges. One of the greatest challenges was staffing. We along with the school districts we serve experienced staffing shortages throughout the year. Problem solving staffing issues resulted in much greater and richer collaboration between BDS, families and districts. We want to thank everyone for their partnership, patience, and flexibility as we worked together to meet the needs of our students.

In true BDS fashion we turned recruiting and retaining staff from a challenge into an opportunity. We looked holistically at how BDS could be an employer of choice for people who share our dedication and passion for our students. As a result we formalized several program to help us attract and retain high caliber candidates and employees. We're starting to see positive results to these programs and are cautiously optimistic staffing levels will improve in the coming months.Have a joyous holiday and a healthy, happy new year! See you in 2023!


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